profligate|profligates in English


['prof·li·gate || 'prɑflɪgət /'prɒ-]

squanderer, excessively extravagant person; wanton person, licentious person; promiscuous person, depraved perso

Use "profligate|profligates" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "profligate|profligates" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "profligate|profligates", or refer to the context using the word "profligate|profligates" in the English Dictionary.

1. He is wicked and profligate.

2. He is a careless profligate.

3. Profligate Oakes tachygenesis Zeus seasonally Athetized goalmouth

4. Their profligate lifestyle resulted in bankruptcy.

5. Certainly not enough to change an energy-profligate lifestyle.

6. Why do you bring your profligate companions here?

7. The young profligate needs to be controlled.

8. It is true of cynical, profligate, and Concupiscent art as well.

9. It is not: the frugal depend on the profligate.

10. A man gets tired of living a profligate life.

11. Thus the crisis punishes the frugal more than the profligate.

12. In her profligate life, she lost all sense of decency.

13. This profligate recipe for survival is used by many animals of many kinds.

14. The region's profligate economies will struggle for longer as austerity kicks in.

15. Yet they have something in common: both involve the profligate deployment of resources.

16. As investors focus on that gap, the most profligate rich countries, such as Britain, will suffer.

17. He was an out-and-out profligate, darting from one partner to the next.

18. A persistent critic of profligate government, he now has his chance to trim the deficit.

19. The implication of this is that the more profligate councils will not be re-elected.

20. But like all the most successful illicit traders, China is ideologically profligate in its relations.

21. At a stroke, we would know who was profligate with company money and who was parsimonious.

22. Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man and is somehow a little profligate.

23. Would not that be threatened only by the advent of a Labour Government, with their profligate spending plans?

24. How can we make our use of praise discriminating and therefore meaningful, rather than profligate or ritualized?

25. At a time when vast tracts were unsettled, it was all too easy for governments to be profligate.